Direct 03:55 for the message. Are you afraid of violence in video games or are you really afraid of young people with honest and courageous life of those fascinated in the armed forces? It 's a bad thing that young people are interested and want as these brave men behave altruistically in games like Call of Duty or Rainbow 6 Vegas? These games do not breed killers. A famous journalist and pilot Jeff Ethel once said something about military pilots, "All the drivers love to love them flyKilling ... are attracted to the elegant, high-performance aircraft - where are they? You are in the military. "Let me tell you one thing ... I do not like to kill soldiers as lazy socialist cowards in our country say. Soldiers would want to sit in a bar with the same people who are shooting at and have a drink with them, but the simple fact of the matter is that many people are hurting in this world and the Napa Valley Hippie appeasement will kill you. Even liberals like veteransRetired Delta Force Command Sergeant Major Eric Haney will tell you that this country of people who are not a beautiful and until now, "even electricity flows through the barrel of a gun." The war has been around for thousands of years ... its not going away anytime soon. Be proud that your country if the war takes its men (and now women) to volunteer to serve with honor and protect you. As a high school teacher from a military family, I heard a lot of realistic first-person shooter...
Tags: american, values, short, film, video, game, perspective, COD4, COD3, FPS, commentary, reagan, conservative, political, correct, cobrabase, games, violence, ranger, tribute, rangers, evil, yt=stretch=16:10
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